Couples Sex Therapy

What is couples sex therapy?

Couples sex therapy is a specialized form of therapy that focuses on addressing sexual issues in relationships. It involves working with both partners together to explore and resolve challenges related to intimacy, communication, and sexual satisfaction. At this practice, we embrace a sex-positive philosophy that celebrates the diverse expressions of human sexuality. We acknowledge that there exists a broad spectrum of normal and healthy sexual practices, desires, and identities. Our mission is to provide a safe, inclusive, and non-judgmental space where individuals can explore, learn, and connect with resources that support their sexual journey.

Who needs couples sex therapy?

Couples (or relational) sex therapy may be right for you if you and your partner(s) need support with:

What to expect at your first session

Some people might feel anxious about talking about sex in therapy. We understand that everyone's journey is unique, and we are committed to providing sex therapy at a pace that feels comfortable and supportive for you. Before delving into any discussions related to sexuality, we always seek your explicit consent. Your autonomy and boundaries are of utmost importance to us, and we want you to feel safe and empowered throughout our sessions. You have the right to set the pace and direction of our conversations, and we will always respect your choices and preferences regarding what you are comfortable discussing.

Some topics we will explore are:

Getting started

Our office for in-person sex therapy sessions is in City Park West in Denver, Colorado. We are licensed in both Colorado and Illinois, and are available for telehealth sessions from anywhere in these states. 

Click here to request a free 20-minute virtual consultation with either Court or Emily